2014年2月,在京都八坂塔旁一栋50年的建筑里,% Arabica的首店开业,如今,% Arabica的版图已拓展至世界各地,先后在日本,杜拜、科威特、阿曼、菲律宾 香港等开设分店。
2017年,% Arabica携手龙辉餐饮入驻上海,将% Arabica的理念传递给更多的咖啡爱好者,
% Arabica作为匠人匠心的品牌, See The World Through Coffee.% Arabica希望每一个顾客都可以来这里点一杯咖啡,走出去看看沿途风景。因为,远方的路很远,生活的美好需要自己去发现。
% Arabica is about Mr King’s love for coffee, design, and seeing the world. He spent one year persuading Junichi Yamaguchi, a world champion of latte art, and someone whom he considered to be our ideal head barista, to work together on creating the best coffee possible. When he finally agreed, they opened % Arabica in the beautiful historic city of Kyoto in February 2014. % Arabica’s branches are now extended to different countries such as Dubai, Kuwait, Oman, Philippines and etc. In 2017, % Arabica opened a new branch in Shanghai China with Longhui Restaurant Co. Ltd. Our mission is to grow % Arabica across unique lands and cultures of the world, so that young baristas can “See the World Through Coffee”. We only live once, so let’s explore the world we live in, set goals, and enjoy our time together over an amazing cup of coffee.

自2006以来,coffee tree已成为最受欢迎的西式餐厅之一。Coffee tree提供温馨舒适的氛围,也是室外最好的户外露台之一。关于菜品,我们提供了更多选择的欧式美食料理,新潮欧式装修风格结合了最新鲜、自制菜肴和现代慢食运动的理念,coffee tree的环境及菜品绝对会让你流连忘返。
Since 2006, Coffee Tree has become the most popular cafe restaurant. The cafe provides a warmly cozy atmosphere , also features one of the best outdoor terraces outside. In addition to tasty smoothies and larger menu of completely new style of European dining which combines the best of fresh, homemade dishes with the philosophy of the modern slow food movement promoting the use of organic and fair trade ingredients.

1966年,Alfred Peet先生掀起了一场咖啡变革,从此更多人开始爱上一杯好咖啡。因对遍地乏味苦涩“所谓咖啡“的深恶痛绝,他研发了现今风靡世界的重度烘焙,精选全世界上等优质的咖啡豆,坚持小批量手工烘焙,为咖啡注入灵魂与个性 —— 醇厚、浓香、甘甜。
每一杯Peet’s, 你会喝到,咖啡原本就应该有的品质和美好。手工烘焙,手工调制。随着我们的成长,绝不因商业利益而动摇,代代传承,坚守初心,专注认真做好每一杯咖啡。
In 1966, Alfred Peet started a coffee revolution that forever changed the way we enjoy coffee. Mr. Peet invented the modern dark roast, to stand against the trend of bland, mainstream coffee. He selected the world’s best beans and hand-roasted them in small batches for a rich, bold cup.
Behind every cup of Peet’s , you’ll discover a richer, bolder, more flavorful cup. The way coffee is meant to be. Hand-roasted . Hand-crafted. Peet’s abides by the same high standards set forth by Mr. Peet in 1966.

PISTACCHIO is your quality and quirky Italian restaurant located in the most charming neighborhood of Shanghai - featuring fresh ingredients that are selected daily, handmade pastas, subtle yet flavorful seafood and meats, a thoughtfully curated wine list, artisanal cocktails, and homemade desserts which have been called by some as the best in the city. From the afternoon sunlight that comes through the big windows, to the smiles on the faces of the staff, PISTACCHIO believes that across all cultures, food tastes best when enjoyed in a comfortable environment with friends and family! There is also a terrace, a private room (46 guests max) and a Chef's Table (12 guests max) available.

葡道为私人葡萄酒收藏家、集团礼品采购以及所有爱好葡萄酒的人士提供亲切的, 专业的服务, 从日常饮用, 特殊场合的用酒其中不只有来自全球各大知名产区的葡萄酒还包括那些一世难求的珍稀佳酿, 我们应有尽有地提供。
葡道拥有来自世界各地多达1000种不同价位的葡萄酒产品。同时、具有丰富经验的门店销售专员将通过到府服务、店铺一对一咨询、电话、 以及电子邮件等多种途径、来了解您各方面的需求、并协助您挑选合适的葡萄酒产品。
Pudao Wines offers friendly, knowledgeable service and impeccable provenance to Individual fine wine collectors, our corporate gifting clients and anyone who simply loves to shop for good wine. From everyday wines, to special celebration wines to once in a lifetime bottles – Pudao Wines is here to serve you.
We are proud to present a broad and comprehensive selection of 1000 great wines at every price point from all corners of the World. Experienced staff are on call, in person, by e-mail and by phone to understand your needs and find the right bottles for you for the right occasion.


YELLOWKORNER自大中国区香港和北京开设7家画廊之后,终于来到上海位于武康路376号明星打卡地标武康庭,落户于两层法式精致时髦的小洋楼,为新世代带来收藏级限量艺术摄影作品。 YE LLOWKORNER 深信不久中国将迎来消费级艺术市场的蓬勃发展,期待5年内将有20间画廊遍布中国一线和二线城市。
YELLOWKORNER’s concept is simple: introducing the world’s greatest photographers to as many collectors as possible by slightly increasing the number of copies of their work. All our photographs are in limited edition accompanied by a numbered certificate of authenticity. YELLOWKORNER is now the 1st photography label worldwide that art lovers and collectors can visit across 25 countries. YELLOWKORNER ’s ambition is also to promote art photography for interior decoration projects, from residential to office and hospitality. Collaborating with many talented artists from various photographic trends, we provide a one-stop solution to source and bring photographic works for interiors.

D.I.S又名上海时运服装有限公司,是荷兰籍设计师于2006年在上海创立。Jolie Van Beek毕业于荷兰鹿特丹最富盛名的美术学院(专修时装设计)。在成立D.I.S之前,她在欧洲几家国际公司担任首席设计师的工作。在她任职期间,她经常因公来访中国与各种服装工厂合作,一直持续到2005年。之后她为了能与丈夫共同移居上海而辞去了工作,Jolie Van Beek移居上海后,发现很难找到适合自己的体型又价格合理的衣服,与周围的外籍朋友交流后发现,她们也有相同的烦恼,于是,Jolie Van Beek萌生了成立D.I.S时装专卖店的想法。
D.I.S is a Dutch designer brand founded in Shanghai in 2006 by Jolie Van Beek. Jolie graduated from the Academy of fine arts in Holland
(majoring in fashion design). DIS creates top quality clothes for the modern woman who is always on the go but does not want to compromise her style.


CHLOECHEN时尚概念品牌成立宗旨为挖掘世界各地风格独具的作品介绍给国内消费者,不一昧追随时下流行,而是以经典独特的商品满足顾客展现个人风格的愿望。武康庭CHLOECHEN SELECTION BOUTIQUE,以”家”为设计灵感,结合CHLOECHEN品牌复古与现代、东方与西方融合混搭的核心特色,打造出Kids Room、Living Room与Dinning Room三间充满浓浓CHLOECHEN时尚温度的空间,让品牌独有的生活美学能够以更多元的方式传递给消费者。
The concept of CHLOECHEN, as a fashion brand, was to develop a store for people who wanted unique products from around the globe that complemented their own style rather than trendy items that lasted for only a season. Inspired by the concept of “Home”, brand owner Chloe designed the CHLOECHEN SELECTION BOUTIQUE into 3 individual spaces which are Kids room, Living room and Dinning room. Through the mix and match of western and eastern culture, modern and retro style, the boutique is intended to deliver brand life aesthetics to customers in a diversity way.

ROSA GALLICA是鲜花漫烂的春意花园,我们力求表现鲜花自然的形态和生命色泽。集鲜花零售,婚礼宴会花艺,商业空间,花艺培训为一体。我们期望用花艺诠释生活的美好,让热爱生活的你拥抱优雅与从容。
ROSA GALLICA(flowers) is a full-served floral design and planning company based in Shanghai since March 2007 located in the old French Concession Ferguson lane 374 Wukang lu.
Our talented team will help you choose fro more than a hundread diffenent varieties of flowers and foliage to creat a simply beautifuly bouquet.
ROSA GALLICA offers a full contract service throughout Shanghai to offices, retailers, restaurants bars and hotels, and offer a full mainternance service where required.In addition to flowers delivery, we offer Wedding & Event floral, Garden & Terrace design and floral salon &community education.

Driven by the concept of ‘Beauty by Science’, ZETA, originated from Hong Kong, started its luxurious SPA journey in Shanghai 2007. The first flagship store of ZETA Villa opened in Shanghai downtown lot in 2009. Since then, there are 7 ZETA Villa stores (naming with Chinese Pinyin as Ziyun store, Biyun Store, Xin’tiandi Store, Wukang Store, Tongren Store, Gao’an Store and Jia’ting Store) distributed in Puxi and Pudong areas in Shanghai. Adhere to the principle of ‘chain store operation’, ZETA provides coherent professional services such as Slimming Shaping, Beauty Technology, Aroma SPA, Manicure & Hair Removal to free you from aging, weariness, sub-health, and insomnia. With a firm faith, ZETA promises to target all those problems with various temperatures guided by scientific technology to make you fell reborn and put your beauty on hold.
十年来,由主厨毛勇师傅带领的来自成都的龙门阵厨房团队在上海获得了多次最佳川菜馆的奖项。餐厅附设的酒吧Bar Basil, 提供由米兰资深酒吧顾问Dario Gentile创作的招牌鸡尾酒罗勒马天尼。
Sichuan Citizen opened in 2009, and moved to a new location on Wukang Lu in Ferguson Lane in 2018. Chef Mao has been the head chef since opening and his whole crew is from Chengdu. A sizable Sichuan menu includes the classic and traditional dishes. The restaurant also houses a cocktail bar named Bar Basil adjacent to the dining room, with signature cocktails created by mixologist extraordinaire Dario Gentile from Milan. The combination of Sichuanese food and the exotic cocktails is what make Sichuan Citizen an unique restaurant to visit.

Established in 2008, Leo Gallery is respected for being a progressive force in nurturing young and representing established contemporary artists regardless of nationality.
Situated in Ferguson Lane in Shanghai, the diplomatic quarter of Shanghai's former French Concession, Leo Gallery has 2 galleries at 374 and 376 Wu Kang Road. Leo Gallery has expanded its operation to Hong Kong after 6 successful years in Shanghai. Its third gallery is situated at 189 Queen's Road West, Sheung Wan.
Apart from our recent exhibition programs that promoted Asian and European art, Leo Gallery has also been working on a number of public art projects with commercial and educational entities ranging from various shopping malls like Shanghai Time Square and Crystal Galleria, Ferguson Lane to public and private schools.
Leo Gallery has participated in a number of international art fairs, including Art Basel Hong Kong, Art Stage Singapore, West Bund Art & Design, ART021, Photofairs | Shanghai, Art Shenzhen and Art Beijing, etc.
最上乘的意大利硬麦粉、Emmental & Cantal 奶酪、巴黎火腿、地中海鳀鱼、普罗旺斯橄榄、顶级Olivoila橄榄油… …享誉天下的食材、几百年传承的经典配方和工艺、连连获得上海“Best Pizza”的荣誉称号,好个aCote Pizza!香喷喷的;
2010年,店主干脆去长白山脚下开垦了自己的农园。8年来,aCote用自产的香草、蔬菜,自制的果酱、鲜奶酪… …执着地追求着“简单、真实、自然”。

Property Of... was founded in 2006 with the goal to provide a serious alternative to the classic full leather briefcase with a clean and timeless aesthetic, targeting men and women with contemporary urban lifestyles.
The name Property Of... was selected as a kind of non- label, to simply refer to the unique identity of each bag’s owner. By using our signature leather ID tags, labelling is functional and present while remaining understated.
Protery of...创立于2006年的Property Of…代表了荷兰复古设计的态度,致力于融合经典风格与城市实用设计。
独特复古设计与创新的可持续生产理念构成了Propety Of…独特的风格,也代表了对于无标签化与个人使用特性的追求。